Remodeling during holidays can be less than magical. You may not be able to decorate like years past, and having company or hosting parties may have to go on hold. Fear not! There are many great ways to enjoy the holiday season while your home is in transition.

Tips for Surviving Remodeling During Holidays
One major issue during a remodel over the holiday season is time and coordination for gift shopping, as well as hiding gifts from little ones! If possible, talk to family and friends and keep gift exchanges to a minimum for this year. Many will understand, particularly if they have ever moved or remodeled during December.
Try to coordinate shopping time as effectively and efficiently as possible, with a clear plan ahead of time. Use online and other delivery services to keep things simple (and affordable). See if a neighbor or friend can aid in the hiding part, or see if your office / workplace can suffice as a temporary storage location.
Parties and Dinners
Unless you are feeling brave, the likelihood of hosting holiday gatherings is slim. Try to host at an alternate location – Like a local restaurant or another friend or relatives’ home. Offer to help, just explain that your home isn’t an option this year!
While many adults can easily forego and skip a year of decorating, it can be a deal breaker for families with young kids. Part of the magic this time of year is experiencing all the sparkle and excitement that the holiday season brings! If possible, decorate what you can – But if decorating is out of the question use local events and attractions to fill the void. Visit Christmas displays, drive to see lighting attractions, check out kid-friendly events and crafts to make the most of enjoying the decorations apart from your home.
Remodeling during holidays may not be a walk in the park, but it is important to remember it’s temporary! Adding extra stress by still attempting to keep all holiday traditions in place may just simply be to much of a burden. It’s OK! Make the most of local events and lean on family for support and make next year an exciting come back. Happy Holidays, and Happy Remodeling!